Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tips for a healthy immune system

The immune system defends the body against infections.  Although it works well most of the time, sometimes our immune system breaks down and we get sick.  Are there ways to strengthen our immune system and prevent disease?  We will find out.
 The immune system is a network of special cells, tissues, proteins, and organs that work together to protect the body against disease and potentially harmful foreign invaders.
 When our immune system is functioning properly, it detects threats, such as bacteria, parasites, and viruses, and triggers an immune response to destroy them.  Our immune system can be broadly divided into two parts: innate and adaptive.
 Innate immunity is the natural protection we are born with and our first line of defense against infections.  As soon as an infection is detected, our innate response acts quickly to try to evacuate the invader by producing additional mucus or by turning up the thermostat to make it burst with fever.
 Adaptive immunity is protection that we acquire throughout our lives because we are exposed to diseases or protected against them by vaccines.  The adaptive system spots an enemy and produces the specific weapons - or antibodies - that are needed to destroy and eliminate the invader from the body.
 The adaptive system can take between 5 and 10 days to identify the necessary antibodies and produce them in sufficient numbers to successfully attack an invader.  During this time, the innate system keeps the pathogen at bay and prevents it from multiplying.

 Can the immune system be strengthened?
 As such, innate immunity cannot be "boosted", and you wouldn't want it to be.  If the innate response were stimulated, you would constantly feel bad with a runny nose, fever, lethargy, and depression.

 The effectiveness of the adaptive response can be accelerated by vaccination.  A vaccine contains a harmless version of the germ which you need to be protected.  The adaptive system remembers the invader so that the next time it comes in contact with the germ it can act quickly to launch an attack.

 While many products claim to boost immunity, this concept makes little scientific sense.  Trying to stimulate cells of any kind is not necessarily a good thing and can lead to serious side effects.

 The immune system, in particular, contains several different types of cells that respond to various microbes in many ways.  Which cells would you grow and how many cells?  This is a question that scientists do not yet know the answer to.

 What researchers do know is that the body is continually making immune cells called white blood cells, or leukocytes, and making many more adaptive system cells - called lymphocytes - that mature into B and T cells than is necessary.

 The excess cells destroy themselves by a process of natural cell death called apoptosis.  It is not known what the best mix of cells or the optimal number is for the immune system to work at its best.

 Weakened immune system
 For many people, the immune system works well to regulate itself and does not need help.  However, in some people, drugs or immune system disorders cause the immune system to be overactive or weak.

 -Primary immunodeficiency disorders are usually present from birth and are caused by the lack of parts of the immune system.
 -Secondary immunodeficiency disorders occur when the immune system is compromised by environmental factors, including HIV, severe burns, malnutrition or chemotherapy.
 -Allergies and asthma develop when the immune system reacts to substances that are not harmful.
 -Autoimmune diseases are conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes, where the immune system mistakenly attacks cells and tissues in the body.

 Immune system disorders are treated with specific medicines that treat the symptoms and associated infections.

 Impact of lifestyle on the immune response
 The main components of the immune system include the lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, bone marrow, and thymus.
 However, much remains to be learned about the interconnectivity and complexity of the immune response.  To work well, the whole system needs harmony and balance.  The immune system is not a single entity or force field that needs to be repaired in order to function properly.

 No direct link has been established between lifestyle and improved immune response, but researchers have studied the effect of factors such as exercise, diet and stress on the immune system's response.

 The best thing you can do to maintain your immune system is to adopt healthy living strategies that will benefit your whole body, including your immune system.  These strategies could include:

 - eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
 -exercise regularly
 -maintaining a healthy weight
 -stop smoking
 -only consume alcohol in moderation
 - get enough sleep
 -avoid infection by washing your hands regularly
 -reduce stress

 Diet and the immune system
 Eating a balanced diet and consuming the recommended amounts of nutrients will help maintain normal immune function.

 Vitamins A, C and D and minerals - including zinc - play a role in the functioning of the immune system.  If you are eating a balanced diet, you will not need to take supplements of these vitamins and minerals, and taking supplements will not particularly help your immune system.

 Populations suffering from malnutrition are known to be more vulnerable to infections, and there is some evidence that deficiencies in certain micronutrients alter immune responses.

 Vitamins and minerals
 For example, zinc deficiency - which can contribute to chronic disease - has been shown to negatively impact how the immune system responds to inflammation in the elderly.

 Vitamin D supplementation has been linked to alterations in the behavior of the immune system.  Taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy - a time when the immune system is constantly flowing - can modify a newborn's immune system to protect it against respiratory infections and asthma.

 Research suggests that vitamin D activates T cells which can identify and attack cancer cells and protect against colorectal cancer in some people.  In older adults, vitamin D has also been shown to reduce respiratory infections.

 Foods affecting the immune response
 Studies have focused on how specific foods or diets might affect the immune response.

 Soluble fiber switches immune cells from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory, which helps us heal infections faster.

 -Pterostilbene and resveratrol, found in blueberries and red grapes, respectively, help increase expression of the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (CAMP) gene, which is involved in immune function.  The CAMP gene plays a vital role in the innate immune system.

 - Pros biotics can help counter the side effects of broad-spectrum antibiotics by keeping the immune system ready to respond to new infections.

 DHA-rich fish oil has been found to increase B-cell activity, which may show promise for people with weakened immune systems.

 Prolonged fasting has been linked to the regeneration of stem cells from older and damaged immune cells.

 Curcumin, found in curry and turmeric, can help the immune system rid the brain of beta-amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer's disease.

 Diets high in fat and calories trigger an immune system response similar to that of a bacterial infection.  Researchers suggest that consuming unhealthy foods makes the body's defenses more aggressive long after switching to a healthy diet, which can contribute to conditions like arteriosclerosis and diabetes.

 Exercise and the immune system </ h2>
 Like eating a healthy diet, regular physical activity contributes to general good health and, therefore, to a healthy immune system.  Exercise promotes efficient blood flow, which allows cells of the immune system to move so they can do their jobs efficiently.

 One study found that just 20 minutes of moderate exercise stimulates the immune system, which in turn produces an anti-inflammatory cellular response.

 The researchers noted that their findings have encouraging implications for people with chronic diseases - including arthritis and fibromyalgia - and obesity.

 Other research has found that the best way to prevent adverse immune system changes and help the body recover from strenuous exercise is to consume carbohydrates during or after.

 The authors of the article suggest that between 30 and 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour during physical activity can help maintain normal immune function.

 Other immune response factors
 In addition to a balanced diet and regular physical activity, scientists have found evidence of other factors that may affect the immune system's response.

 Chronic sleep deprivation can decrease the immune system's response and the flow of white blood cells, while slow - or deep - sleep strengthens the immune system's memory of pathogens that have already been encountered.

 Getting outside in the sunlight can benefit the immune system.  Researchers have found that sunlight stimulates infection-fighting T cells that play a key role in immunity.  Specifically, the blue light found in the sun's rays accelerated the movement of T cells, which can help them get to an infection site and respond more quickly.

 Reducing stress can also help support the normal functioning of the immune system.

 One study found that anticipating a happy or fun event increased levels of endorphins and other hormones that induce relaxation.  Chronic stress can suppress the immune system's response and its ability to fight disease;  therefore, reducing stress can help prevent infections and other disorders.

 Singing in a choir for an hour has reduced stress, improved moods and increased immune protein levels in people with cancer and their caregivers.  The results of the study show that something as simple as singing can help reduce stress-related immune suppression.
 Loneliness has also been identified as a stressor that can affect the immune system.

 Research has indicated that single people produced higher levels of inflammation-related proteins in response to stress than those who felt socially related.

 Proteins linked to inflammation are associated with diseases such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and arthritis.

 While many questions remain about how the immune system works, it's clear that eating a healthy diet, getting regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress will go a long way in maintaining your immunity.
 Tips for a healthy immune system

Monday, August 31, 2020

How to get rid of a cold sore (cold sore)

Fever sores are often called cold sores because of their appearance. Most fevers are caused by HSV-1, also known as the herpes simplex virus.
 According to the World Health Organization, about two-thirds of adults aged 50 and over have HSV-1. The University of Michigan Health Department estimates that 50% of American preschoolers already have HSV-1.
 The virus does not always cause symptoms. The Academy of General Dentistry says that only about 30% of people with HSV-1 will show signs of the infection, namely, bumblebee sores.
 Although the majority of cases of HSV-1 involve cold sores or lipids, about 40 percent of cases involve genital lesions. Although related, the genital herpes virus (HVS-2) and HSV-1 are usually unique in their presentation.
 Fevers usually appear on the upper body, mainly around the lips and mouth, but they can appear anywhere on the skin, including the tongue. In infants, lip bontons are often confused with canker sores.
 The fevers caused by HVS-1 often last a little more than a week and then go away on their own. Currently there is no cure and infections last a lifetime. However, there are ways to reduce the duration, intensity and frequency of outbreaks.

 Medicines are available, but many remedies use common grocery ingredients and basic household products.

 Home remedies
 Compounds that are antivirals, antimicrobials, and immunostimulants are often good at treating lip bontons.
 Certain remedies help limit the spread of the virus. Others reduce the risk of new infections or decrease pain and discomfort.
 Not all treatments work for everyone, but a wide range of natural products can help reduce symptoms and prevent future flare-ups.
 Natural remedies

 These include:
 - lip balms with at least 1 percent lemon balm
 -lemon tea and lemon tea compresses
 - peppermint, mint and witch hazel oil
 -aloe vera gel, which is available to buy online, to soothe inflamed wounds while providing crucial moisture.
 - licorice root, which contains glycyrrhizic acid, considered an antiviral
 - licorice powder, mixed with water or petroleum jelly and applied directly to the wounds
 -Echinacea as an immune stimulant, preferably taken as a tea or as a supplement. Echinacea is available to buy online.
 - lysine cream or l-lysine supplements, as l-lysine can stimulate the immune system and help repair cells
 -milk, which contains antibodies and l-lysine
 -corn starch paste, made up of equal parts of starch and water
 -mixtures of rhubarb and sage
 Vitamin E helps the body repair damaged skin cells and make new ones. Foods rich in vitamin E include nuts, whole wheat, and leafy greens. Vitamin E oils are also available.
 Vitamin C can boost the levels of white blood cells, the main cells in the body that fight infection. Foods rich in vitamin C are often red, orange or dark green in color. These are most berries, tomatoes, peppers, kiwi fruit, broccoli, and spinach.

 There are also over-the-counter medications to treat the symptoms of bontons. Many offer child-friendly dosages.
 -Abreva and Zilactin, both of which can be purchased online, may help reduce recovery time.
 - Anesol and Orajel injuries, relieving pain
 -Zinc oxide creams applied to scabs can kill viral cells released by the wound.
 - Hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol keep the bontons clean.
 Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can also help reduce pain.

 People with cold sores should see a doctor if the lesions do not improve after a few weeks, if the symptoms are severe, or if the lesions continue to cry.
 Complications from HSV-1 are rare but possible. People with weakened immune systems should see a doctor, as should those who have frequent flare-ups.
 Complications can occur when the virus spreads to other parts of the body. For example, the virus can spread to the fingertips, as with white herpes, or to the eyes, as with herpetic keratitis.
 Commonly prescribed treatments for lip bontons include antiviral tablets and creams. According to the British National Health Service (NHS), creams are generally only effective if applied as soon as the lesions appear.
 Drugs prescribed for lip bontons include:
 - Acyclovir (Xerese, Zovirax)
 - Valacyclovir (Valtrex)
 -Famciclovir (Famvir)
 -Penciclovir (Denavir)

Ten remedies for canker sores

Canker sores can be painful and itchy. Although they should heal on their own within a week, there are ways to speed up this process and reduce the discomfort.
 In addition to over-the-counter medicines, there are home remedies that can ease the discomfort of canker sores and help them heal. Read on to discover 10 proven ways to get rid of these ulcers.

 What is a canker sore?
 A canker sore is a small ulcer inside the mouth. It may appear white or gray with red edges. Canker sores usually appear on the soft parts of the mouth, such as the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, and just inside the lips.
 The medical term for canker sores is recurrent aphthous stomatitis or RAS, and these ulcers will reappear over and over again over time.
 Canker sores are not contagious and usually heal on their own in about a week. They are less than a centimeter in diameter and can appear singly or in clusters.
 A rarer, more severe form of RAS causes larger ulcers that can last 2 weeks or more and can cause scarring.

 Ten ways to get rid of canker sores
 Canker sores should heal on their own, but there are ways to relieve pain, speed healing, and prevent infections. These include:

 1. Over-the-counter gel or patch
 Apply an over-the-counter topical medicine, usually in gel or paste form, directly to the sore throat. This prevents the ulcer from being irritated by spicy or acidic foods, or from being touched.
 Special patches or bandages can be placed on the chancre. They are designed to adhere to the inside of the mouth and will protect the ulcer from irritation.

 2. Using a mouthwash
 Rinse your mouth with an over-the-counter mouthwash to cleanse the area and relieve pain or discomfort.

 A person should choose a mouthwash that has antiseptic properties to prevent infection and to numb the inside of the mouth.

 3. Using a salt rinse
 People may also choose to use a natural alternative, such as saline, to promote healing. Rinsing your mouth with saline solution should not replace the use of medicated mouthwash as needed.

 4. Practice dental hygiene with a soft brush
 Caring for the mouth and being careful not to damage the canker sores can speed up the healing process.
 Using a soft toothbrush can help prevent irritating canker sores. Maintaining good oral hygiene by keeping teeth and gums clean can prevent ulcer infection.

 5. Take vitamin B-12 supplements
 Vitamin B-12 supports the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and has an important role to play in the creation of red blood cells.
 A small study found that taking a vitamin B-12 supplement reduced the pain of canker sores, the number of outbreaks and the number of ulcers in one month.

 6. Drink chamomile tea with honey
 Chamomile and honey have been used in the past for a variety of health reasons and have been reported to help heal canker sores by reducing pain and inflammation.

 There is little scientific evidence for their benefits in treating ulcers, so they should not be used in place of medication.

 Honey can have antiseptic properties and can be applied directly to canker sores. It can also be combined with chamomile in a tea that should be allowed to cool slightly before drinking it.

 Chamomile may have anti-inflammatory properties. A person can use chamomile as a canker sore remedy by brewing strong chamomile tea and using it to rinse their mouth once it has cooled. They can also steep a bag of chamomile tea in hot water and apply it directly to the ulcer.

 7. Avoid certain foods
 A person should avoid very spicy, salty, or acidic foods, which can irritate canker sores and prevent them from healing.

 Even hot drinks and foods with rough edges, like a piece of toast, can cause discomfort.

 8. Use of aloe vera
 Applying aloe vera gel directly to the chancre can help soothe irritation, as well as reduce pain and inflammation.

 Although there is little scientific evidence on the benefits of aloe vera for canker sores, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) considers it safe to use.

 9. numb the mouth
 A person can suck on chunks of ice and apply them to a chancre to relieve pain and discomfort, as the cold numbs the sensation. The ice cube should not be applied directly to an ulcer without slightly melting the surface.

 10. Make a clove oil rinse
 Clove oil has always been used for pain relief. A person can use clove oil as a remedy by first rinsing their mouth with a sea salt solution or mouthwash, and then applying cotton wool soaked in clove oil to it. canker sore to reduce pain.

 Single mouth canker sores can develop when a person damages the inside of their mouth, for example by accidentally biting it or having ill-fitting dentures.

 Canker sores are different because they happen repeatedly and don't always have a clear cause.

 Some people often get canker sores, while others don't at all. Risk factors for recurrent canker sores can include a weakened immune system, stress, or an allergy to a certain food.

 The American Academy of Oral Medicine recommends that a person with recurrent canker sores keep a record of when they occur and any possible triggers. This can help determine if there are links between the onset of canker sores and diet or lifestyle.

 In some cases, canker sores can be the result of a viral infection or a long-term condition, such as Crohn's disease, vitamin deficiency, or hormonal changes.

 When to consult a doctor ?
 Canker sores go away without treatment and are usually not a sign of serious illness. A person should see a doctor if the sores last more than 3 weeks, if they cause difficulty swallowing, or if the person is sick.
 If canker sores occur regularly over a long period of time, it is advisable to consult a health professional. It can help to keep track of when the canker sores developed and any potential triggers, such as spicy foods.
 In some cases, canker sores can be a sign of an underlying condition, including gastrointestinal illness. If a person has any of the following symptoms, they should see a doctor:

 - unexplained fatigue for more than a few days
 -a rash or sore on another part of the body
 -a fever
 - irritated eyes
 -stomach pain

 If the canker sores become particularly red and painful, it could be a sign of infection.

 Canker sores can be painful and itchy, especially if they happen often. Knowing when they occur and what possible triggers are can help someone determine if there is an underlying cause that can be avoided.
 In the meantime, a person can try a variety of home remedies and over-the-counter solutions for pain and discomfort.

 Having over-the-counter medicines and natural remedies in the cabinet helps treat ulcers and canker sores as soon as they appear.

 The treatments listed in this article are available online.
 -Buy gel against canker sores.
 -Buy a mouthwash.
 -Buy soft toothbrushes.
 -Buy vitamin B-12 supplements.
 -Buy chamomile tea.
 -Buy aloe vera gel.
 -Buy clove oil.

15 ways to add turmeric to your life as an anti-inflammatory

When I was little, I was afraid of my mother's Indian cuisine. I thought it looked weird, smelled weird, and was nothing like what I saw in school or what other kids were eating. It was a BIG mistake and I regret it. Not only is my mom's cooking my favorite food in the world now, but I love all the healthy ingredients she uses!
 Indian food, as most of you know, is full of spices that have antioxidant properties and other nutrient dense properties that nourish the body.
 I didn't know about these spices back then, but now I do. Turmeric is one of those spices that I am very grateful to have discovered! Not only have I used it to curb inflammation from injuries, but I eat it almost every day.
 Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat a number of ailments, and scientists believe that one of the reasons turmeric is so potent is because it contains curcumin. Its beneficial properties have been the subject of thousands of peer-reviewed and published studies.

 Recently, I visited an island called Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania, in Africa. During my stay, I had the opportunity to visit the most incredible spice farms that cultivate almost every spice imaginable. I met the most impressive young man named James. He works on the farm in his spare time to save money for medical school. James showed us around and we ate the fresh turmeric he dug straight from the ground.

 To experience the fresh turmeric this was ESTABLISHING to say the least. Here are 15 easy ways to add this powerful spice to your diet!

 15 ways to add turmeric to your life:
 1. Infused turmeric tea
 Dr Andrew Weil recommends this easy way to use turmeric - Just bring 1 cup of water to a boil and add a teaspoon of ground turmeric or fresh grated turmeric to it. Simmer 10 minutes and drain before drinking. You can add honey or fresh lemon juice to add flavor.

 2. Mix a curry powder
 When cooking with turmeric, it's a good idea to mix it with black pepper or oil (or both!) As it has been shown to increase the bioavailability of curcumin so your body can get it. 'use. This is why one of the best ways to eat turmeric is in dishes with a little fat, lots of black pepper, and curry powder. A basic curry powder can be made with 8 parts ground coriander, 4 parts ground cumin and 1 part turmeric and 1 part cayenne or paprika. You can decrease the cayenne and use paprika instead if you don't want it to be spicy, and store it in a glass container in your pantry for up to 6 months. Try using this curry powder to make these chickpea curry wraps, or in this coconut split pea soup! These are two very simple recipes taken from the Food Babe membership program. If you want to make a more elaborate curry, you have to try this Balinese curry sauce that I learned to make in Bali a few years ago - it's amazing.

 3. Mix everything in a smoothie or fruit juice
 You can add a pinch or two of ground turmeric or an inch or two of raw fresh turmeric to a tasty smoothie, like this Sunrise Green Smoothie, and you won't even taste it! Sure… it can change the color of your smoothie because it has a very strong pigment. To increase bioavailability, dissolve turmeric in a little warm coconut oil before mixing it in, or mix in ½ an avocado for more fat. You can also juice turmeric, take a look at this recipe.

 4. Season the roasted vegetables
 Toss fresh vegetables (such as diced potatoes, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts) with a drizzle of olive oil and turmeric, and any other seasoning you like. Roast at 400 degrees, stirring once, until cooked through, usually about 30 to 40 minutes.

 5. Brush your teeth with
 When I heard this for the first time, I thought it was ridiculous…. because who wants yellow teeth! This is until I read that for some reason it doesn't stain teeth yellow, and instead whitens them naturally. But be careful, your toothbrush will turn yellow! Simply dip your damp toothbrush in a pinch of turmeric, brush your teeth with it, and let it sit on your teeth for about 3 to 5 minutes. Make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly (and sink in!) And then brush with your regular toothpaste. This is not a daily ritual, do it every now and then to brighten your smile.

 6. Add color to boring dishes
 Stir a little turmeric into plain basmati rice, quinoa, mashed potatoes or eggs to add color. It doesn't add much flavor and it changes things up a bit.

 7. Golden Milk drink
 This is an ancient Ayurvedic recipe that can be made in a number of ways. It is basically a paste of turmeric mixed with hot milk and oil or ghee. You can use any type of milk for this recipe (milk, goat, nuts, oats). To make the paste, simply bring ½ cup of filtered water over low heat, then mix in ¼ cup of ground turmeric, stirring constantly until it makes a thick paste (this may take 5-10 minutes) adding more water if necessary. To make golden milk, mix 1/2 teaspoon of batter with 1 cup of milk in a saucepan and cook over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes. Stir in about 1/2 tsp. coconut oil or ghee before drinking (you can also add other spices like cinnamon, ginger or black pepper, and honey or maple syrup for some sweetness). Store the rest of the turmeric paste in your refrigerator for 2 weeks. It’s fabulous before bedtime!

 8. Make the homemade mustard
 You can mix a basic mustard with ½ cup of ground mustard, 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon of water, 1 teaspoon each of turmeric and salt. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

 9. Fortify your soup
 A few touches of turmeric can be added to most soups without changing the flavor, it adds a nice color to grilled soups and can help fight a cold.

 10. Mix in "Golden Honey"
 Mix 1 tbsp of turmeric powder with 7 tbsp of raw honey (this is called golden honey). Dissolve a 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture in your mouth every two hours. You can also make turmeric gummy bears (like the ones in The Cook's Pajamas). Just make sure you choose the right type of gelatin to make them (herbal, organic). As gelatin is an animal product, it is essential that you choose your gelatin carefully and that it does not come from factory-raised animals that have been subjected to antibiotics, artificial hormones and GMO foods.

 11. Sauté a healthy side dish
 For a quick side dish, sauté some fresh greens (kale, spinach, etc.) in olive oil and turmeric. I like to add fresh garlic and a little sea salt.

 12. Sprinkle on an avocado
 This is an impressive snack, full of fiber and just enough fat to keep you from indulging in unhealthy snacks processed in the vending machine. Another variation is to mash the avocado, add a little ground turmeric, a little sea salt, a little black pepper and spread it on sprouted bread, brown rice crackers or cakes.

 13. Make natural food coloring
 There is no reason to bake with artificial colors like Yellow # 5 and Yellow # 6, when it's so easy to bake with turmeric. Just boil some water, stir in enough turmeric to create the desired yellow tint, and boil for 3 to 5 minutes. Cool and store in the fridge in a glass jar - and that's it! If you want to use it to dye Easter eggs, just add vinegar to the tincture.

 14. Garnish your salad with
 You can sprinkle a pinch of turmeric directly on your salad or toss it into any salad dressing, and the taste will go largely unnoticed. Make a quick turmeric vinaigrette by whisking together 1/2 tsp. ground turmeric, 2 tsp. miso paste, 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. of olive oil, 1 tbsp. 2 tbsp raw honey and the juice of 1/2 lemon (this recipe is also from the Food Babe Membership Program) - or add a splash to this tahini vinaigrette!

 15. Spread it on your skin
 Just mix some ground turmeric with some water (you can also use coconut, almond or sesame oil), apply it on your skin and wash it off after about 15 minutes. Be careful, this turmeric will temporarily stain your skin, so it works best on parts of the body that you can cover easily or don't mind being orange for a little while!

 Before you run out and buy turmeric….
 One thing you don't want to do is randomly pick up some powdered turmeric from the spice aisle and start sprinkling it on your food as a lot of these spices are irradiated, grown with conventional pesticides, and non-organic. If you want to use turmeric effectively, buy high-quality organic ground turmeric or fresh turmeric roots from the produce section (which you can find at health food stores like Whole Foods).

 If you know anyone who loves turmeric or needs to try this powerful spice, please share this post with them!

How to stay in shape while traveling for business, the complete guide

Wondering how to stay in shape, even when traveling for work?
 Going on a mission is not always fun.  It is not always easy to maintain your form, between long stays at the hotel, meetings all day long, lack of physical exercise, lack of sleep with the evenings out, meals  in restaurants that are not necessarily balanced and dietetic.  Fatigue and stress take hold of you quickly, your mood suffers, and you inevitably feel a drop in energy and tone.

 To help you overcome these travel inconveniences, review our top tips and strategies.

 Preparing for the trip
 For a smooth business trip, you should take a few minutes to plan your business trip.

 Go with a plan!
 This is definitely the most important tip in this post.  Take the time to organize your schedule, make a list of your groceries and meals you might order at a restaurant, and set aside time for rest and exercise.

 Optimize your choice of accommodation
 These days you can stay in house type accommodation.  And having a fully furnished house or suite will keep you fit and healthy.  When choosing your accommodation, take into account:

 the convenience of the place (presence of a gym, room with microwave, refrigerator and really comfortable bed)
 the location: proximity to a park to get some fresh air and stretch your legs, and proximity to a grocery store to buy healthy foods to eat quickly.
 If you don't have a choice about where to stay, you can always find out ahead of time and prepare your plan of attack.

 Business travel usually means limited space in your suitcase.  To maintain shape, choose essentials that are space-saving and multi-functional.

 Bring some training materials:
 Sportswear: keep it simple, a t-shirt and shorts are enough.
 Running shoes.
 Resistance band.
 Mobility tools: Lacrosse ball or foam roller ideal for stretching and loosening knots in the back, buttocks, hips and feet.
 Plan snacks
 Always pack a few non-perishable snacks in your suitcase (muesli / oats, nuts, fruits, carrots, protein bars, tin of tuna, epic bars, etc.).

 The path
 Here are some simple and effective tips that you can apply to avoid suffering during the journey.

 Take advantage of the wait in the terminal to do a quick workout (squats, pushups, sitting leg lifts, etc.).  Choose sportswear and running shoes that you will quickly swap in business attire on your arrival.

 Vehicle travel
 Vehicle travel is the most trying.  Take the opportunity to do mobility work with your lacrosse ball (rolling your shoulders, back and buttocks).

 The food
 Keep in mind healthy food and drink choices (vegetables, fruits, lean protein, avoiding excess sugars and fried foods, drinking water, tea or coffee), the most difficult  being to make your choices when you're on the go.  Here are a few tips :

 Keep it simple
 Concentrate your meals around lean protein;  carbohydrates and fats will serve as simple accompaniments.

 Meals at the hotel
 Make sure you have a mini-fridge and microwave in your room.  These devices give you so many more options for storing or preparing healthy foods and quick snacks (yogurt, fruit, oats, egg white, etc.).

 You can also prepare good, balanced and healthy meals that do not require cooking.

 Meal delivery service
 Some restaurants that have delivery services offer delicious and healthy options, which you will have the chance to enjoy in the comfort of your room.  (Do a quick Google search!).

 Meals at the office or on site
 Meals of the day are often meals served by a caterer.  If you're lucky, you might have a buffet or at least a few options to choose from.  Otherwise, unwrap your prepackaged snacks to complement the foods available.

 Meal at the restaurant
 Opt for "basic" meals, salads (dressing on the side), lean meats, seafood, grilled vegetables, rice / grain bowls, soup (no cream broth).

 A word about alcohol
 Reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible.  Instead, you can order a mocktail (sparkling drink or non-alcoholic cocktail)

 The exercises
 Now we come to the "obvious" part of how to stay in shape on a business trip: exercise!  While maintaining your regular workout routine can be difficult while traveling, you still need to devote a minimum of time to small, quick and easy exercises.

 Use the tools you packed
 It’s time to use the training tools you brought in your luggage.  Use your suitcase as a great weight for your exercise.

 Use your body weight
 Bodyweight workouts are important.  Do the basics (squat, push-up, shoulder or pike-pushup, burpees, 1-leg deadlift, sit-ups, planks, etc.), but also variations such as pistol squats, jump squats, push-ups, push-ups  standing, pull-ups.

 The sleep
 A good night's sleep can have a greater positive effect on your well-being than good nutrition and exercise.  Go to bed and wake up on a regular schedule.

10 things you can do to lose 10 kg in 10 days

Lose 10 pounds in 10 days: 10 essential points

 Can you really lose 10 pounds in 10 days? The answer is yes, if you follow these guidelines and stick to them. It is a matter of willpower and determination in choosing to live healthily and give up your bad eating habits.

 1. Get enough sleep

 Lack of sleep changes the way your body regulates appetite and upsets your basal metabolism, which will slow down the number of calories you burn. In addition, constantly lacking energy, people who lack sleep eat more and generally unhealthy foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates. And their bodies will also respond by storing unwanted belly fat.

 To sleep well, favor darkness and calm and create a bedtime ritual (meditation, reading, shower, etc.), making sure to maintain a regular sleep schedule.

 2. Be careful what you eat

 Avoid processed and packaged foods that are unhealthy and high in calories as much as possible.

 Choose foods that are filling and whole (unrefined and unprocessed foods, such as whole grains, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits, and animal products, including lean meats and non-homogenized dairy products).

 3. Drink lots of water

 Listen to your thirst, it's not there for nothing! Signs of dehydration are often mistaken for hunger. Essential for maintaining the body's hydration and reducing water retention, water also helps quell hunger.

 To stay hydrated, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and energy drinks and instead consume watery snacks such as fruits, vegetables and yogurt.

 4. Reduce stress

 Stress creates a vicious cycle of adverse effects on the body. When you are stressed, your brain controls the release of adrenaline and cortisol which will communicate to your body to replenish energy even if you have not used calories and which ends up making you very hungry. Cortisol also stimulates the body to store fat, especially visceral fat. Finally, this hormone also hinders the production of testosterone, which will lead to a decrease in muscle mass.

 To reduce stress, you can meditate, listen to music, walk or run, breathe deeply, get a massage, listen to jokes, talk to a friend. etc

 5. Eliminate sugar and flour

 When sugar is ingested, the body’s systems are put under stress, which increases your vulnerability to colds and depression, which in turn promotes weight gain.

 By eliminating sugar from your diet, you not only help your body control the insulin surges that lower your blood levels, but you also aid the process of weight loss.

 Also stay away from junk food and watch out for any condiments, sauces, and dressings you add to your foods. During digestion, flour turns into sugar very quickly, which will have the same effects as consuming sugar.

 6. Do exercises

 If cardiovascular training causes a short increase in metabolic rate for an hour or two after workout, resistance training will build more muscle, which will allow the body to continue to burn calories even when at rest. Obviously, the combination of cardiovascular training and strength training will produce the best results if you are looking to shed fat.

 7. Drink black coffee

 Provided it is cream and sugar free, coffee helps mobilize fat from fatty tissue and increase your body's metabolism. The caffeine in coffee has many roles in the weight loss process:

 it stimulates the production of the hormone epinephrine, which sends signals to break down fat and release it into the blood. it increases the metabolic rate and therefore promotes fat burning it naturally increases your energy and makes workouts less strenuous training

 It is important, however, to consume coffee in moderation (no more than 2 cups per day), as excessive consumption can create insomnia and increase stress levels.

 8. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits

 Fruits and vegetables are great options to keep you full without loading on fat and calories. These foods high in fiber, nutrients and minerals, but low in calories, will help you lose weight in a healthy way. Recent studies show that plant-based foods help control overeating and cravings.

 9. Follow the evolution of calories

 Counting calories is still the best way to account for actual calorie intake. It involves comparing the amount of calories you take in, versus the calories you burn. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight. You should know that if your body does not use these sources of energy to produce physical energy, it will store them as fat in your body.

 10. Positive thoughts

 Repeat the positive thoughts and create a self-fulfilling affirmative prophecy. Let these thoughts come true and you will have success.

7 Benefits of Foot Massage and Plantar Reflexology

Foot massage and reflexology, essential allies for your health

 Our feet are absolutely fundamental because they play a very important role, in particular by supporting the weight of our body and absorbing shocks in contact with the ground.  Very important for locomotion, they also allow you to stay in balance while standing, walking or running.

 Yet, they are the least pampered part of the body.  Also, to pamper your feet and keep them strong and flexible, walk barefoot for a few minutes, put on comfortable and light shoes as often as possible and above all, do not hesitate to apply a daily foot massage for a few minutes.

 And there is nothing quite like a regular foot massage with reflexology.  Coming straight from Asian countries, This traditional massage technique based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to different organs and glands in the body, helps promote physiological and physical health.

 Remember that the human foot is an evolutionary wonder, capable of supporting hundreds of tons of force and your weight in motion.  It has 42 muscles, 26 bones, 33 joints, 250,000 sweat glands, at least 50 ligaments and tendons, and nearly 15,000 nerve endings.

 In reflexology, pressure applied to these reflexes located on the feet promotes health.

 Here are just a few of the many health benefits of foot massage and reflexology.

 1. Improves blood circulation

 Due to a sedentary lifestyle, many people do not use the muscles in their feet properly, which hinders proper blood circulation.  In addition, pointed and tight shoes, especially high heels, promote blood circulation.  Ten minutes of foot massage a day helps transport oxygen to the body's cells, which is essential for general health.

 2. Help with relaxation

 After a tiring and stressful day, a foot massage is a soothing and relaxing way to unwind, especially after a long day of standing and walking, as the feet tend to swell.

 Massage and reflexology 5 to 10 minutes before going to bed can improve feelings of general well-being and promote better sleep.

 3. Promotes better sleep

 The best time to do a foot massage is before going to bed.  A soothing and relaxing foot massage improves blood circulation.  It helps to get peaceful sleep.

 4. Relieves body pain

 This is the best part of reflexology.  If done carefully, it treats aches and pains like headaches, migraines, neck pain, lower and upper back pain.

 5. Improves mood and fights depression

 Foot massage and reflexology help fight depression.  Certain points on the feet are indeed useful in relieving symptoms of depression.  Massaging these points or applying pressure to them for a few minutes 2 or 3 times a day can help relieve symptoms of depression.

 6. Makes feet healthier

 Regular foot massage is an easy way to keep your feet healthy and prevent foot problems.  It helps stimulate the muscles around the feet, decreases stiffness, and even reduces pain in the ankles or heels.  In addition, a short 5 minute foot massage per day will make your ankles strong and flexible, preventing unpleasant ankle and foot injuries.

 7. Reduces swelling (edema)

 Regular foot massage during pregnancy can help reduce the effects of edema, which swells in the feet and ankles due to water retention, which is very common during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.

 It has been found that massaging the feet with warm olive oil or coconut oil can relieve pain and inflammation caused by tendonitis in the foot.